Steps to joining Toronto International Rifle & Pistol Club!
Steps to joining Toronto International Rifle & Pistol Club!
You may bring guests in accordance with the guest policy once you are a full member and have completed the RSO course.1. Join the wait list!
The first step is to add yourself to the wait list, the approximate wait time varies and is updated on the wait list page. By filling out the form you are indicating your interest in joining the club. You can join the wait list here.
Please be as complete as you can on the application as our membership committee reviews this information to try to ensure that the club will be a good fit for you and you a good fit for the club. Adding your name to the wait list does not guarantee you a membership. All applicants will be reviewed and assessed based on suitability. We can only add a limited amount of members per year, and thank all those who show an interest.
2. Those selected from the applications will be contacted either by phone or email to discuss membership.
Once we're sure the club has to offer what you're looking for and that you'll be a good fit we will offer you a course date.
Have questions about what we offer? Check our our FAQ Section here.
To hold your seat in a New Member Orientation Course there is a $250 non-refundable deposit required, presently we are able to accept cash, cheque or EMT only.
3. New Member Orientation Course.
On or before the morning of the course the remaining membership fees are due. Presently we are able to accept cash, cheque or EMT only.
The course is a full day, mandatory for all new members regardless or past or present affiliations or training. It is a way for our new probationary members to learn a little about the clubs history, how it operates as an organization and about our policies and procedures.
It also covers firearms safety and handling - similar to what you would have learned in your RPAL course. There is a live fire portion and a practical and written exam.
On successful completion of the day and it's various sections you become a probationary member!
4. Probationary Permissions and Sign Offs.
The probationary period lasts a minimum of 45 days.
As a probationary member you are permitted to attend the club during certain set days and times to complete your "sign offs".
Sign offs are a one-on-one shoot with one of our certified instructors. It helps to familiarize you further with how the club operates, and ensures that you become comfortable with what is required of you as a member. It is also a time for us to evaluate your attitude towards the club and its members and to see that you practice safe firearm handling techniques anytime you are around a firearm.
As a probationary member you are permitted to bring your own restricted and non-restricted firearms to the club for the purpose of sign offs with one of our instructors, only.
There are 8 pistol sign offs and 6 rifle sign offs. You may complete only one of each per visit up to a total of 2 of each per week.
If at any point the safety committee, the directors or range operator are made to feel like you may not be a fit for the club we will terminate your probationary period and refund you your membership fee's less the course cost and admin fees. We take safety very seriously and careless safety infractions are the quickest way for this to happen.
5. Apply for Full Membership
Once you have successfully completed your sign offs (Minimum 6 Handgun and 6 Rifle, but more may be required depending on level of comfort and competency) you may submit them to the board to apply for Full Membership.
Once you have received board approval as a Full Member you may use the facility during operating hours as long as an RSO is present or if you are RSO certified (our specific club level course) AND someone else is present.
You are now eligible - and encouraged to - take the club level RSO course.
6. Club Level RSO (Range Safety Officer) Course
Our Club-Level RSO course is recommended for all new Full Members once they have completed their sign offs.
It is approximately 4 hours and teaches you how to open and close the range on your own, and how to run a shooting line safely.
Once you have your RSO certification you may open the range anytime during operating hours and shoot as long as someone else is present on site - whether that be another member, a guest or family member - they don't need to even shoot, they can remain in the clubhouse as long as you are in view.
You may bring guests in accordance with the guest policy once you are a full member and have completed the RSO course.
After being an RSO certified Full Member for at least 1 year with no safety infractions you may apply for solo membership - waiving the need for another individual to be present while you are shooting.
Please note the above is for informational purposes only and may change without notice.